Non-White-Heterosexual-Male License


NWHM Licensed


Licensed under the Non-White-Heterosexual-Male License.

with by line

This work by <Your Name> is licensed under the Non-White-Heterosexual-Male License.

with attribution

Licensed under the Non-White-Heterosexual-Male License and based on work by <Their Name>.

Source Code

Include the entire text of the license within the source code file or as a separate file distributed with the code:

Non-White-Heterosexual-Male Licensed software

If you are not a white heterosexual male you are permitted to copy, sell and use this work in any manner you choose without need to include any attribution you do not see fit. You are asked as a courtesy to retain this license in any derivatives but you are not required. If you are a white heterosexual male you are provided the same permissions (reuse, modification, resale) but are required to include this license in any documentation and any public facing derivative. You are also required to include attribution to the original author or to an author responsible for redistribution of a derivative.

For additional details see


Include the entire text of the license within a help dialog, about dialog or upon startup of application.